Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Propagandist of the Dravidian Movement

Maa.Senguttuvan is a unique poet, devoting his myriad talents for the uplift of Tamils and Tamil language, never caring for any reward or recognition to his service.

His dedication to the lofty ideals propagated by Periyar E.V.R. and C.N.A. ,and commitment to D.M.K.for more than six decades is of historic significance. His affiliation with the black-shirt movement of Periyar E.V.R. in his schooldays metamorphosed him as a revolutionary poet. The descendant of Maa.Senguttuvan from a staunch saivite family belonging to Tondaimandala velala sect which is considered as more orthodox than the Brahmins never stood in the way of his participation in the Anti-Brahmin movement. He was penalized heavily for his sincere adherence to the progressive ideals of Periyar` 1

. The Self-respect movement founded by Periyar can not simply be considered as .an atheistic movement. It was a timely remedy to cure the social evils prevailed in those days from whose clutches we are not fully relieved even now. The atheism propagated by Periyar.induced iconoclastic attitude among the youth to break the barriers of caste and communal hatred thereby uniting the Tamils. The imposition of Hindi in the administrative side,the domination of Sanskrit in temples,the importance given to Telugu in music concerts and the negligence of Tamil in all these areas made the Tamils agitate for the uplift of their mother-tongue.As a token of their love towards their mother tongue they changed their Sanskrit names and were proud to have their names in chaste Tamil. Narayanasamy was renamed as Nedunchezhiyan,Ramaiya as Anbazhagan,Somasundaram as Mathiyazhagan and so on. Our beloved poet who had Natarajan as his name changed it as Senguttuvan.

Senguttuvan’s love for Tamil and urge to do something to propagate the ideals of Periyar E.V.R., prompted him to organize meetings and contribute articles to magazines conducted by leaders belonging to the Dravidian movement.

After completing his college studies he got a job in State bank of India.But he relinquished the offer and opted to involve himself in party activities.

Prominent magazines of the Dravidian movement offered him sub-editor job. Malaimani, Viduthalai, Namnaadu, Murasoli, Kazhakakkural gave him the opportunity to propagatethe ideals preached by Periyar E.V.R. and Anna.Without expecting a remuneration to maintain his family he did his job considering it as a mission.

His poems appeared in various magazines but were compiled and appeared as a volume only on 1990.

The title of this volume. is “Kavikkondal Kavithaikal” (Poems of Kavikkondal).

Here through his poems he reveals his ideology and affiliation.

His language loyalty is expressed in the poem titled “Tamil! Oh Tamil!” which begins with the proclamation of the poet, as follows:

I will

Salute those who respect Tamil

Sabotage those who disregard it;”

In this poem he also insists the importance of mother tongue as the medium of instruction. He wants Tamil to be implemented as the medium of instruction in all educational institutions. immediately.

In another poem titled ’My Life’ he expresses his firmness in following lofty ideals;

even if he fails in achieving material success he will not worry about it.

His principle-mindedness is clearly shown in the following lines.

“Conscience is my commander;

Righteousness is my birthright;

Without swerving from truth

Will I lead my life.”

Another poem titled “Man is missing” is a powerful satire which exposes the failure of mankind to adopt humanism in life after falling a prey to consumerism.

“Man is missing in the whole earth

Man is not seen anywhere;

In my self I did not find him;

In my neighbors also I am unable to find him;

Everyone is born as a man by appearance

By temperament and temptations

He acts as a wild animal;”

“The status of writer” points out the pitiable state of writer in our country.

The writer declares thus:

“Poverty always accompanies me;

Starvation is my property;

Patience is my speciality;It is the

Prize given for my public life;”

In our country writers who adopt lofty ideals and who takes writing to preach noble thoughts are failures commercially. So this statement is true and thought -provoking.

If the society does not care about such writers what will be their state?

Poems on Narimanam oil refinery and Sivanandha Gurukulam orphanage show the poet’s

Concern to switch over to innovative themes and give a true portrayal of the society.

Maa.Senguttuvan is one of the followers of Bharatidasan in his thematic innovation as well as iconoclasticity. His choice of simple and powerful words, depiction of realism can be easily understood by reading his poems.

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